No. 05/M-DAG/PER/4/2005



Considering :

In view of :


To stipulate :


Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as:

Article 2

(1) The machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs as meant in Article 1 number 1, 2, 4 and 5 shall be contained in Attachment I to this regulation.

(2) The machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs as meant in paragraph (1) shall meet the technical provisions according to the regulations in force, which are stipulated by the Minister of Industry.

(3) The filled optical discs as meant in paragraph (1) shall have code of production already accredited and accepted on the basis of the provisions and standards in force internationally.

(4) The machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs as meant in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) only can be imported by optical disc companies already securing the appointment as IT of Optical Discs.

Article 3

(1) The appointment of optical disc companies as IT of Optical Discs as meant in Article 2 paragraph (4) shall be stipulated by the Director General.

(2) In order to secure the appointment as IT of Optical Discs as meant in paragraph (1), optical disc companies shall submit written application to the Director General by enclosing the following documents:

(3) The model of document of the appointment as IT of Optical Discs shall be as contained in Attachment II to this regulation.

Article 4

Based on the written application of optical disc companies as meant in Article 3 paragraph (2), the Director General shall approve to issue or reject the appointment as IT of Optical Discs not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of the application.

Article 5

The appointment as IT of Optical Discs as meant in Article 3 shall apply for 3 (three) years at the maximum and can be extended.

Article 6

(1) The import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials and optical discs by IT of Optical Discs shall secure prior import-approval from the Director General with regards to the quantity, kind, destination port, country of origin and validity period of import approval.

(2) In order to secure the import approval as meant in paragraph (1), IT of Optical Discs shall submit written application to the Director General by enclosing statement of the plan for the import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials and optical discs for the need of production and/or distribution plan signed by the personnel in charge of the said company.

(3) The model of document of the import approval shall be as contained in Attachment III to this regulation.

Article 7

(1) IT of Optical Discs already securing the import approval as meant in Article 6 shall convey report on the realization of the import and/or realization of distribution in writing to the Director General in this case the Director of Import, Ministry of Trade, every month, whether the import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs is executed or not, and/or whether the distribution is realized or not.

(2) The report on the realization of import and/or realization of distribution as meant in paragraph (1) shall be conveyed not later than the 15th of the ensuing month after the month when the realization of import and/or distribution must be reported.

(3) The model of report on the realization of the import and realization of the import shall be as contained in Attachment IV to this regulation.

Article 8

(1) The import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs by IT of Optical Discs already securing import approval as meant n Article 6 shall be subjected to technical verification or surveillance first in countries where the goods are loaded.

(2) The technical verification or surveillance as meant in paragraph (1) shall be executed by surveyors appointed by the Minister.

(3) Results of the technical verification or surveillance by the surveyors as meant in paragraph (2) shall be mentioned in the form of Surveyor Report (LS), which constitutes an import document.

(4) In the execution of the technical verification or surveillance as meant in paragraph (2), surveyors can collection compensation for the rendered service from importers/grantors.

(5) In order to enable one to secure the appointment as the executor of technical verification or surveillance of the import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs, surveyors shall meet the following requirements:

(6) The Director General shall stipulate technical provisions on the technical verification or surveillance as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 9

The activities of technical verification or surveillance of the import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials, empty optical discs and filled optical discs as meant in Article 8 shall not reduce the authority of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to undertake customs inspection.

Article 10

(1) The appointment as IT of Optical Discs shall be frozen if the said companies:

(2) The freezing of the appointment as IT of Optical Discs can be liquidated if the said companies have met all obligations in accordance with the provision as meant in Article 7 and/or are not proven to commit the alleged misuse of appointment as IT of Optical Discs and/or import approval.

(3) The Director General shall freeze the appointment as IT of Optical Discs as well as liquidate the freezing.

Article 11

(1) The appointment as IT of Optical Discs shall be revoked if :

(2) The Director General shall revoke recognition as IT of Optical Discs as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 12

The imposition of sanction of freezing or revocation as meant in Articles 10 and 11 shall not reduce the imposition of criminal penalties on the basis of legislation in force.

Article 13

Machines, machinery apparatuses, empty optical discs and filled optical discs imported by means contravening the provisions in this regulation shall be destroyed or re-exported in accordance with the provisions of legislation in force.

Article 14

The Director General shall further stipulate technical provisions on this regulation.

Article 15

The exception from the provisions regulated in this regulation only can be stipulated by the Minister.

Article 16

With the enforcement of this regulation, Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 645/MPP/Kep/ 10/2004 concerning provisions on the import of machines, machinery apparatuses, raw materials and optical discs shall be withdrawn again and declared null and void.

Article 17

The regulation shall come into force as from June 18, 2005.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On April 15, 2005